Monday 17 September 2012

hey! its spiderman.. wait whut?

HEY look! its spiderman! and.. suddenly my train of thought is derailed and.. i dont know y i have a pic of spiderman.. well.. super heros are preeeety awesome.. anyways back onto my kinda nonexistent topic.. SCHOOL! again.. considering i've being going to school for the last like three.. two and a half..? weeks..! whaaaaahooo! yea no. figures that in order to be in the MYP cohort ( its like.. AP for .. americains? and.. IB like everywhere else, except its for gr 10 instead of gr's 11 and 12...)  you HAVE to do a personal project. great right? BUUUT i do get like 5 credits for that so YAY!! so for this personal project.. you have to make up like something or do something * like ... host a .. bake sale? for the greater of community.* like kind of BIG. I didnt really know this.. so ive decided on drawing .. something in differnt styles to represent how people see things dfferently and learn differently as well. and to be honest.. I really dont want to.. but i guess tou gotta do what you gotta do.. and my fingernails are too long for typing really well right ow so i should prob go cut those.. anyyhoo yea. schools great ._.

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