Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Crayon Melting :D

DIY Rainbow Rain!

aka Crayon melting

So like the craft person I am i decided that I would make this SWEET sugar bottem rainbow crayon rain thing :) its SUPER easy and preetty fun so try it out!

Shtuffs you will need:

Glue! I used this glue, but you could use a hot glue gun, some craft glue, or if you are really fond of your crayons super glue. * be careful with that stuff. its super* 


  A Canvas, or something to glue, and melt crayons on. This is one i got from Bargin!Shop.. or i think the Red Apple now, for like $4. Not like a great great artist canvas but thats okeh. 


Blow dryer! or heat gun or heat lamp , aka something warm that emits heat. This is just some random one i found. Warning, you might get crayon on it. ( PS heat lamps make a more straight line kind of art heads up) 

Crayons! Duh! I used one of these and couple of doubles I would just get one of these and a 8 pack for my canvas (30 cm- 40 cm)   
 Black paint :D this is rather                                   
optional but if u want to paint on a
dude with an unbrella your gonna
 need this and a paintbrush or 2                                          

Lets get Started!!

 So i wanted to an umbrella dude so here he is! I suggest you sketch him out on some paper then transfer him on .. Really, I basiclly erased the end of my canvas. 

Next I placed out my crayons how i wanted them positioned and then glued them on. You can use those little wood things to evenly space out the crayons. *you may want to wait in between glueing, expecially with liquid glue as the crayons will move.*              
                    If you painted on a guy, or girl, or a guy and a girl kissing under an umbrella, you gotta make sure the crayon doesn't get them wet. Tape and a bit or cardboard work (i used the thing that was around my canvas). * make sure the paint is dry and or use magic tape/paint tape! you dont want your paint to peel off :( *                                                                                                          
 BLOW DRY TIME! This is where things get interesting :D 
I suggest that you dont blow directly on the tip of the crayon but more parallel but angled towards the crayon. It might take a biit of time to get started, and your arm might hurt after a bit. Take a break, we dont want your stuff setting on fire. ** When you have cardboard on your painting and you did a poopy job of taping it kind of, make sure you kind of hold it down while the wax melts down there. 


                                                Tada! Isnt it great-o? 

If you kind of get some crayon on the painting feel free to scratch it off with a tooth                                                        pick  or something. :D stand back and admire your sweet sweet work of art :D 

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