Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Crayon Melting :D

DIY Rainbow Rain!

aka Crayon melting

So like the craft person I am i decided that I would make this SWEET sugar bottem rainbow crayon rain thing :) its SUPER easy and preetty fun so try it out!

Shtuffs you will need:

Glue! I used this glue, but you could use a hot glue gun, some craft glue, or if you are really fond of your crayons super glue. * be careful with that stuff. its super* 


  A Canvas, or something to glue, and melt crayons on. This is one i got from Bargin!Shop.. or i think the Red Apple now, for like $4. Not like a great great artist canvas but thats okeh. 


Blow dryer! or heat gun or heat lamp , aka something warm that emits heat. This is just some random one i found. Warning, you might get crayon on it. ( PS heat lamps make a more straight line kind of art heads up) 

Crayons! Duh! I used one of these and couple of doubles I would just get one of these and a 8 pack for my canvas (30 cm- 40 cm)   
 Black paint :D this is rather                                   
optional but if u want to paint on a
dude with an unbrella your gonna
 need this and a paintbrush or 2                                          

Lets get Started!!

 So i wanted to an umbrella dude so here he is! I suggest you sketch him out on some paper then transfer him on .. Really, I basiclly erased the end of my canvas. 

Next I placed out my crayons how i wanted them positioned and then glued them on. You can use those little wood things to evenly space out the crayons. *you may want to wait in between glueing, expecially with liquid glue as the crayons will move.*              
                    If you painted on a guy, or girl, or a guy and a girl kissing under an umbrella, you gotta make sure the crayon doesn't get them wet. Tape and a bit or cardboard work (i used the thing that was around my canvas). * make sure the paint is dry and or use magic tape/paint tape! you dont want your paint to peel off :( *                                                                                                          
 BLOW DRY TIME! This is where things get interesting :D 
I suggest that you dont blow directly on the tip of the crayon but more parallel but angled towards the crayon. It might take a biit of time to get started, and your arm might hurt after a bit. Take a break, we dont want your stuff setting on fire. ** When you have cardboard on your painting and you did a poopy job of taping it kind of, make sure you kind of hold it down while the wax melts down there. 


                                                Tada! Isnt it great-o? 

If you kind of get some crayon on the painting feel free to scratch it off with a tooth                                                        pick  or something. :D stand back and admire your sweet sweet work of art :D 

Monday, 17 September 2012

hey! its spiderman.. wait whut?

HEY look! its spiderman! and.. suddenly my train of thought is derailed and.. i dont know y i have a pic of spiderman.. well.. super heros are preeeety awesome.. anyways back onto my kinda nonexistent topic.. SCHOOL! again.. considering i've being going to school for the last like three.. two and a half..? weeks..! whaaaaahooo! yea no. figures that in order to be in the MYP cohort ( its like.. AP for .. americains? and.. IB like everywhere else, except its for gr 10 instead of gr's 11 and 12...)  you HAVE to do a personal project. great right? BUUUT i do get like 5 credits for that so YAY!! so for this personal project.. you have to make up like something or do something * like ... host a .. bake sale? for the greater of community.* like kind of BIG. I didnt really know this.. so ive decided on drawing .. something in differnt styles to represent how people see things dfferently and learn differently as well. and to be honest.. I really dont want to.. but i guess tou gotta do what you gotta do.. and my fingernails are too long for typing really well right ow so i should prob go cut those.. anyyhoo yea. schools great ._.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

This.. didnt work -_-

So.. i lied! i havent posted in like ... way more than a day! but today was my first day of school! so i might as well blog about something right? So im a new kid this year. whoop. i mooved from a small town of 2000 to a city where my school as that many people. yea. BIG change. it takes some getting use to! And it was my first dat of high school which i think is a worse than elementary or junior high because every one * except the newbies liike me* have their cliques and best friends already! so that leaves people like me to .. be lonely.. in the back of the theater while all the other kids are yapping about their summer with their already bffs ... yea. AND in bigger cities/ schools.. theres a bigger crowd of .. assholes. which sucks. << these guys are the hockey guys.  our school has a hockey academy* >> the first thing they said * kind of mocking me* was telling the other new kid hes gonna get pussy in the ass.. WAIT WhAT!?!?  jeeeezus. i feel like my talking suddenly turned stupid. .. damn. well i did make a few friends * names. names. names. yea i lost a couple of em already in my head :/* and yea.. so this year wont be as i imagined it ... but i guess its just a new adventure! ON WARD! TO HIGH SCHOOL!!  

Monday, 16 July 2012

:D new blog!

right. a new blog. because its  a new day. and well. new days call for new things! so yes. m gonna try and write a bloggg everyday. * try. is the key word. so. let the blogging days BEGIN!